November 24, 2017

Centre for Economic Policy Research or CEPR, organised a discussion on “Skill India Mission Challenges and Opportunities”.  The dignitaries who took part in the event were Dr. Meenal Sharma, Associate Professor, Dr. Ashwin Johar, Vice Chairman, CEPR, Satish Kumar, Rashtriya Sah-Baudhik Pramukh, Swadeshi Jagran Manch and Dr. Subhash Sharma, Director, CEPR. The discussion was moderated by Muni Shankar, Program Director, CEPR.



The panel initiated the discussion by highlighting the future requirements of the NaAion in terms of skills. They believed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the future and people should be prepared to embrace it. Panellists put forward the idea that the youth needs to be trained for the skills presently required and also the skills required that would be required in future.

The success and challenges of Skill India Mission in Punjab were highlighted in the discussion. The initiative is believed to be a strong step forward in the direction of Economic Development and can become successful with proper implementation and monitoring.

Challenges that require urgent redressal were discussed. They spoke about the, National Skills Development Agency or NSDA, that proposed Certification Program in accordance to which any trained labour after passing an exam or test could get the certification.

Panellists believed in the idea that, Young India should focus on basic skills like education, Cattle Farming and Dairy Farming, Tourism. Since, the requirements of skill development are different from region to region, an area-specific skill policy should be localized rather than a uniform and centralized policy.

The panel concluded the discussion by suggesting that the Skill Development Mission must focus on Youth and Employment, keeping in mind the demographic dividend of the Nation. They believed in the idea that the roots need to be connected and groundwork be done, in order to turn Prime Minister’s vision into reality.

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